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The proposed development changes lead to more concerning factors that could effect our safety. With so many problems already with this proposal, adding safety issues is another reason for opposition to this project for residents.

Traffic accidents

The Intersections in question today


This image is taken from the City of Calgary’s
Transportation/Transit Heat map - Based on all
Traffic Incidents since 2016.


As you can see, the intersections at 90th Ave SW/16th St SW and at 90th Ave SW/14th St SW stand out today as being areas with repeated traffic accidents.


What are the impacts on safety when 4,228 new
residents increase traffic volumes by 33%?


This will increase frequency of wildlife collisions proving fatal for widlife.

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roadway improvements proposed by riocan

RioCan’s proposed Changes to 16th st/90th Ave intersection:


Create unintuitive pedestrian crossings over a congested intersection.


Are significantly less safe for pedestrians and cyclists.

Glenmore Landing Redevelopment is not the only change increasing traffic at the 90th Ave/16th St intersection

Right across the street from Glenmore Landing,
the City of Calgary has already rezoned the JCC
for Redevelopment.


Rezoning approval includes:

  • School for up to 440 students Synagogue

  • Flexible Community space for up to 500

  • Expanded daycare

  • 2 New Seniors Facilities

  • Consider the safety hazard as children rushing to school and morning rush-hour overlap


Consider the unique needs of the Elderly who frequent this

Three Seniors Facilities Adjacent 90th Ave SW 16th St SW Intersection:


  • Bertha Gold Jewish Seniors Residence

  • Chateau Renoir

  • Beverly Centre


Many elderly folks with impeded mobility cross at this intersection daily to access basic amenities including: coffee at McDonalds, banking, haircuts, dentists, doctors’ offices and lab work.


With walkers and wheelchairs, these citizens require more time and patience for crossing.

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Moving the Regional
Pathway closer to

The proposed redevelopment will move the regional pathway closer to 90th Ave SW resulting in:


  • Unintuitive diagonal crossing for cyclists and pedestrians over 90th Ave SW and 16th St SW (at the traffic ‘choke point’)

  • Cyclists are moved significantly closer to a busier more congested roadway

  • Louder and less safe for cyclists and pedestrians

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Shadows DEc.jpg

The proposed towers
will shade 14th St SW
and the pedestrian

Shaded areas on roadways create problem areas for black ice.


Black ice is a thin, transparent film of ice covering a portion of the road. Black ice is a common culprit for some of the worst car accidents as vehicles spin out
of control.


RioCan’s own shadow studies indicate large parts of 14th St will be shaded from 2pm -4pm from September to March. This puts lives at risk during evening rush hour throughout our winter months.


The pedestrian walkway over 14th St will also be hazardously effected by black ice at these times. Expect serious slips and falls to increase as both the access ramp and stairs will be covered in black ice.


Black ice will be on the reservoir pathway since the shadows provided only show from the first building phases and we know another 7 structures are included that will shadow the path much more greatly than what’s shown here.

Proposed roadway changes to 16th St are less safe in A Playground Zone

The proposed changes to 16th Ave SW include removing parking on both sides of roadway to increase north-bound roadway to two lanes.


This increases traffic to 3 lanes on roadway in front of JCC, through a playground zone.


Note: this playground is very busy during summer months when JCC hosts camps.

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